Get Involved

Learn what is expected of a member and how to join:


Email to become a member!

What is expected of an active member?

Participation in SHC is up to each student. We are open to all students at UAH, no matter age or background. Members spend 10+ hours in the lab weekly to develop complex and competitive engineering and science payloads.

We pride ourselves on building the best hardware we can. Having awesome projects requires powerful tools and strong teams. The club is what we make it, so be an active member and leader. Our members generate the project ideas and run each of the projects in entirety.

Projects that the club embarks on are not meant to be easy. The club will support and ask for support of relevant, attractive, and challenging payload ideas that help grow each of team members to be better scientists, engineers, or business people. Any students that join should be willing to participate in existing projects or present their idea for considerations. SHC must be a club run by its own members, and this includes project proposals, financial proposals, all red-tape encountered, travel arrangements, etc. But the reward is having your design supported and you having put it there.

What are the costs?

The Space Hardware Club has never taken membership fees. We are lucky to have a lab that covers almost all expenses of our projects, including your travel as a team member. Our funding is often tied to grants that the students and the university write together. We work hard to keep individual costs to a minimum.

 What are the rules?

There are some rules. Number one is always safety. We must each remember that a volunteer group of students cannot afford to be injured, nor can the hardware or facilities. It is top priority keep everyone safe.

No one can spend the club's money without approval. Never expect reimbursement unless it is specifically authorized by the adviser before any purchase is made.

We are excited to have so many people participate. We will protect our club, naturally, from people not improving our organization. Make sure that your behaviour is one that improves the organization.

You must use your UAH email address to conduct any club business. We are here to look professional and look like part of the organization.

The club requires every member to be in good academic standing. We have voted to require a 3.0 GPA at UAH or 2.5 and uphill GPA. If you do not meet these requirements, you are not permitted to travel or participate actively. It is required to hold a 2.5 GPA to spend time with the club. Without the 3.0, it is near impossible to get a real job or internship. Club members show to have an average 3.4+ GPA, higher than the UAH average by .4 points. If you ask, many members can help you with homework questions so this is never a problem.

When are the meetings?

The general club meeting is once a month on a Thursday at 8pm and location is the Charger Union Theater. Meetings for projects are decided by teams of said projects and should be posted in SHC Calendar. The main lab for Space Hardware is Optics Lab 307. Most formal activities start at 8pm. To know for sure when a meeting is check our calendar for specifics. Our rooms are on the facilities map.

How do I stay in contact?

At our orientation events or during UAH-sanctioned club day events you can find us and ask to be put in contact via e-mail. Once you have joined the club you will be added to our offical club e-mail list. All members must be on this so they can stay in the loop with club activities!.

Your president and team leads need your contact info. And you need to be able to share problems with them. Be active in telling us where we can be better!

Other optional ways to get involved are to participate in our activities, posted on the club calendar here (which you can add to your Google Calendar) and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for updates.

For questions on how to participate in or sponsor the club in any way, please contact the club officers by emailing