
Current Project Lead - Maria Chytka

2024-2025 Activity: NASA RockSat-X 2025, Flying the JUPITER Interface Bus and AMALTHEA Experiment

Project Lead: Maria Chytka

Terminus is working on a new experiment called AMALTHEA! It is scheduled to be launched August 2025 from NASA Wallops Flight Facility. 

This cycle, we will be improving our reusable spacecraft bus, JUPITER, flown in 2024. Additionally, our experiment (AMALTHEA) is researching in-space and in atmospheric re-entry power generation with solar energy and heat created from re-entry drag.

What is NASA's RockSat-X Program

 NASA Wallops runs a yearly university program to allow students to design, build, and fly a sounding rocket payload. It is a selective program with schools around the country. Conceptual experiment ideas are submitted in September, and design reviews with the NASA team are conducted about once a month. Teams are selected for spots in December and fly the next August. For more information, view their website.

Our current project we're working on!


Email Maria Chytka at:

mac0082@uah.edu or maachytka@gmail.com 

2022-2024 Activity (RockSat-X 2024, Flying the JUPITER Bus and ADRASTEA Mission)

Project Lead: Ben Campbell

Terminus is working on a new spacecraft called ADRASTEA! It is scheduled to be launched August 2024 from NASA Wallops Flight Facility. It will be testing a reusable spacecraft bus called JUPITER, and demonstrating various technologies associated with CubeSats and satellite constellations.

Our current project we're working on!


Email Ben Campbell at:

bac0038@uah.edu or ben.campbell@saderaerospace.com 

Or see more information at:


2021-2022 Activity (RockOn 2022, Deck 32)

Project Founder and Lead: Ben Campbell

Terminus is one of the newest project teams in SHC with one lofty goal: getting back to space! Participating in a variety of programs and launch opportunities, Terminus members build payloads to be launched on rockets, giving the unbeatable chance to build, integrate, and fly your very own space hardware. Payloads made within Terminus are sent to destinations anywhere between suborbital space and the surface of the moon!

This summer's launch!


Email Ben Campbell at:

bac0038@uah.edu or ben.campbell@saderaerospace.com 

Or see more information at:
